Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Florida has been very different this year. It has been cooler than normal but we went to the beach anyway. We did manage to get sun burnt on a mostly cloudy day. We all look like tomato faces. I am happy that I have been able to get some new pictures of Samuel and the beach. The beach had a ramp Laz could go down. He took it slow and made it. We enjoyed being able to just lay down and watch the waves and Samuel playing in the sand. Tomorrow we are going to the Melbourne Zoo. Thank goodness they have wheelchair rental for Laz. I hope to get some great pictures of Samuel. He has never been to the zoo before so this should be interesting. Well I hope to get more pictures of our vacation on my blog. Everyone have a great week.


Joanne Fowler said...

Sam! I miss you!! These are great shots! I LOVE the conversion on #2!!! Try metering off (partial metering) his face so it's not so dark in the first one and we can see the cutie! Can't wait to see more!

Lindsey said...

This makes me want to be there...LOL I don't even like the ocean much! I never went to the ocean that young - I wonder what goes through his mind about the waves.

Lindsey said...

Let me know if you didn't get the comment I just sent you - I know you gotta review them & all....but it just was gone.....(sci-fi background music) do do do do. LOL Have a blast!