Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Random shot from the side of the highway

I was on a shoot Saturday and was waiting for my client to change her clothes. I was just wandering around looking at things and taking pictures of whatever to pass a few minutes. Then the clouds parted a bit and this is what I got. It's nothing special but just something a little different...and I thought I would share. I have been told my fans are sick of seeing the same thing on here the past few weeks. So there ya go! I will be posting more soon...I promise and if you are bored..go over to my other blog "just being Sam" there are new baby pics on that blog. Everyone have a great day!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

More of Stephanie's Maternity Pictures

I just wanted to add a few more that I had finished for her......

Monday, September 1, 2008

Wow....I had seven photographs chosen.....

The next art show that our class is doing is called the Americana Art Show 2008. I submitted ten entries and I had seven chosen. I expected one maybe to be picked..but not seven. I'm really excited about this. I hope to win atleast one catagory in this show. I will keep you all up to date on what happens.....