Friday, March 28, 2008

My Art Show Entries

The photography group that I am in had those of us who wanted to participated enter several shots that we had taken. April 6th we go to a museum in Morganfield, Ky and see our pictures hanging up on the wall. It may sound like its not a big deal to some...but I think it is a really good thing to do...kinda gets you out of the box we all tend to get stuck in. My bud Noni helped me mount the pictures. She did most of the work because I did not have a clue in Hades how to do it. Its funny how different my shots looked mounted like that. Well me, my hubby and my son will go to the opening on Sunday afternoon. A couple of other Peas will be there. I look forward to seeing them also. Ohhh...and I just sat these up on the stereo receiver to get the the crop does not look very good.

Flowers are a bloomin

I came home on Thursday morning after work and started looking at my Easter flowers. They are just starting to bloom. It had been raining all night and rain drops were laying on the pedals. It was so beautiful. I also took this shot of my bird feeder. I just love the morning time. Its the best time to take pics of my flowers. Well in my yard anyway.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A Test of My Faith.

The past week has been very interesting for me where my child is concerned. I have had to depend on my faith and trust in God to deal with situations and making decisions for him this week. All moms understand the nagging, hurting, uneasy sick feeling in our stomachs that we get when we think something is wrong or just not right with our children. In my opinion that is the radar that God gave me when I had Samuel to help guide me in the right direction and make the right decisions for him. Well today I made the decision to take my son out of his school and send him to a new school. I don't really want to comment on the *why* part. It was like God was stomping on my head telling me to do it. So I did it. I cried alot just because Samuel had made some friends and changing his routine and environment is very hard for him and I did not want to have to put him through that. But I had to remember in the long run he will get the attention and the therapy he needs at this new school.

He will start Kindergarten in the Fall and will be going to this school anyway. So I guess he will just be starting a little earlier. I asked the special needs director what the cost was going to be for Pre-K so that we would be prepared and he told me it would cost us....get this...not one penny!!!! I just about dropped the phone and had to ask him to repeat himself. I could not believe it. Since when do you get something wonderful for nothing...uhhh...never! Samuel would also get physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and what ever other therapy he might also need and this is all included. All of this was presented to me a month ago but I did not see it working out because he would have no daycare at this new school and no daycare during this coming Summer. I work nights and I was not sure how I would ever get any sleep. Well again I am depending on my faith and that God will provide us with what we need. Me..needing sleep and Samuel needing a good education and therapy. So I took my leap of faith...I know that God has opened a door for us and even though change is hard for all of us we will make it. I am scared about working all night and coming home to a bright eyed and bushy tailed boy..but I have done it a many times before. We will get through the Summer and when school starts I will sleep when he is in school. Sounds like a plan to me.

My family and I have some possible big plans in our future...if everything works out...and if it's Gods will. I can't really elaborate about it right now, but I feel like a lot of things will get better for us.

I can say this..that we have been very blessed where Samuel and Autism is concerned. He has improved by leaps and bounds the past month. This may not seem like a big deal to some but here are the major accomplishments that he had done. See this penguin....that is the first thing he has ever colored in his life. Just one day all of a sudden its like a light switch came on and he could not stop coloring for days. My husband came home and told me "Well I have to tell you what happened at school today." I just cringed because it is usually something negative, and I was not in the mood for that. He began to tell me that Samuel started coloring today and that when he started he did not stop until the whole thing was colored. The other kids even went outside for a walk but Sammy did not want to go..he had to finish his penguin. I just started crying right there in the kitchen. I was so proud of him and that penguin. So when I got to school I look at it in the hall outside his classroom and of course the tears came again because for once my son had something to hang out in the hall for all to see. "Proud Mommy Moment" So now he is starting to cut with scissors, play (with) other a certain degree, and the biggie..he is talking in sentences, asking questions, and telling us what he wants. I think we are kicking Autism in the behind parts. Yes... we still have struggles and many a mountain to climb yet, but it is one victory at a time. We have been blessed with many victories the past month. During Easter dinner at my cousins house my whole family could see the change in Samuel. It made me feel so much better and validated that the work that Laz and I are doing with him is making a difference.

I have started to listen to my heart and trust in my faith again. The people in my life that do nothing but put me down or just toss me to the side when they think they have found something better have really hurt me the past few months. But God is healing my heart and giving me the courage and strength to put it past me and to move on *without my normal give-em H**l attitude. I have just retreated and figured I am better off. God has brought back to me what I did not know I was missing...People in my life that love me...for me...that know me and accept me for who I am...respect me as a keep me positive. I thought I had that before with a some...but I guess I did not. It was just dressed up to look that way...I fell for it.. and that is what broke my heart the most. So I am cleaning house with myself so to speak and getting my life back under control. It has not been an easy year and God has made me go through many an test and trial but in the end He has made me a stronger mother, wife, friend and woman and I am so thankful for it.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Green things in my yard

When I got home from work Thursday morning the sun was shining and I decided to take a few shots in my yard. I don't usually don't get time to do that but since everyone was asleep I took advantage. One is of my Easter flowers that are just not ready yet. Then a few are of our Hungarian plant we brought back from my father-in-laws home town...Sekesfehervar..Ha! that's a mouth full. Yes I know its against the law to bring plants in from other countries..but I did it! It's kinda like a lilac bush. When I brought it home it was in a wet paper towel in a baggie. Now its a huge bush. We have had it growing in our back yard for 5 years...since our last visit. I will have to take more shots of it when it blooms out. Then the brownish lookin plant is a pain..literally. Its some type of thorn plant. I was trying to get the spider web on it but it kinda looks some type of insect with horns.. the other shot is of the branch, the flower and some of the thorns. I know they look nuts but I like how the morning sun looked shining on the ugly plant.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

With New Toys come New Pictures

Yesterday the man in brown dropped a box at my door. My sweet hubby surprised me with a new battery grip, two new batteries, and a wireless remote. Well of course today I had to play. Samuel and I took pictures for about 40 minutes this afternoon. This was the first time ever this child posed for me. I was so proud of him. He would love on the cat, love on me, then would stick his tongue out at me. He has figured out that I will let him see himself in the camera. That trick ...I hope will work for awhile. Well I finally did it. I always dread it..but I did it. I took pictures of me. A remote made it a bit easier. I think they look like mug shots ....especially the black and white. Maybe next time I will put on some make-up. You would think I would learn my lesson...being in my 30's requires more spackle and paint. I'm just not into it that much. I guess I had better get into it before I scare off everyone who keeps up with my blog. Please put on your sunglasses before clicking this button!! I will have to put that on my signature for 2 peas. You poor things that check blogs at two in the morning. I will scare ya to death!!!! Ha! Ha! I had my ISO turned up to 800 because of my room being to I got more noise that I focus was a bit off...due to trying to set up the shot then setting in front of the camera...not used to that or the remote just yet. But I will get there and will love it. Thanks for looking and everyone have a great day...or night.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Our new scrapping buddy

Introducing Baby J. This is the little baby boy I posted on yesterday. He is our new scrapbook night buddy. Me and Noni took turns loving him up. I mean other than my own child this one has found his way into my heart. I usually don't get ga-ga over other peoples babies ...but this one is special. When I took pictures of him Friday, I picked him up to calm him down a bit. He just did not like the whole taking pictures anyway I was loving on him and I get this overwhelming feeling...brought back memories of when Samuel was this small, and I started to cry. I mean this came out of no where and hit me like a truck. Now this is the first baby I have held since I had my hysterectomy and did not expect to have those feelings again. So that was harder that I thought it would be. But the good thing is that his momma and I are great friends and I can love on him anytime I that does help. This fall I will have my other bestest friends baby to hold. She is due in October and I kinda have a feeling that this one is going to be a girl. I could very well be wrong.....but she thinks the same thing. But anyway we had a great night and it was good for Mary to get out of the house for awhile and get to scrapbook. I did not get much of that done for loving on this little man. He will be a month old on the 18th but he was not to be born until the 23rd of this month. So its like holding a little peanut. Who wouldn't love this little guy? Noni and I took turns taking pics of each other with Handsome here!!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

My first Newborn Session

This little man and I mean one of my bestest friends new baby boy. He was born premature by over a technically he should not even be born yet. This little guy only weighs about 5 pounds My friend lives in a small place and all I had was light from the front door and my speedlight. Which I have not mastered at all yet. Well I am going to pat myself on the back for once in my life..I think I did a good job. I have only heard positive so far. Positioning a preemie is alot more difficult than I thought and we did not have a lot of room to work with. He already has a mind of his own. If I moved him a certain way he would cry and snuggle himself the opposite way. I am not done with all my proofing and there are still things I want to do with the shots...not to happy with my black and white just yet...but I thought I would share. Kinda excited!!! Well all my 2 peas please let me know what you think. Thanks for looking. It really means alot to me!!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

One crazy CAT

This cat is truly nutty. I'm pretty sure he is Siamese and has an attitude to go with it. He is the most talkative cat I have ever seen. He meows at me when he wants food, attention or ( get this )..when he wants to go to bed. I know this sounds crazy, but when he was smaller I would make him sleep in the bathroom downstairs because I did not trust him at night. He still has his man parts and his front claws and I don't want my furniture and carpet torn to shreds by a nutty cat. So anyway I would take an old towel and cover him up like a baby and get him all snug as a bug in a rug. Ohh and he has a nite lite in the bathroom also. Well a few weeks ago I thought he was ready to be out of the bathroom at I let him stay out. I got into bed and it began. He started crying at my door. The furball would stand in the doorway and just meow this agitating meow. So I would yell at him and he would run down the steps and sit at the landing by the door and cry even louder. I thought he would get over it...but no such luck. I had to get out of bed after 20 min of non-stop meowing and crying from this nut. HE WANTED BACK INTO THE BATHROOM!!!! He wanted to go to sleep in his towel. Once I wrapped him up then I never heard another peep from him. He is the funniest thing..when he is ready to go to bed he will meow at me when I am working on my pictures. I will be sitting on the couch and he will not shut-up and I have to yell at him before he wake up the boys. The interesting thing is that my husband hates cats. I mean with a passion. He would only tolerate the cat because our son loves him so much and I am very fond of the hairball too! So when we eat supper, the cat will sit under the table. He is kinda like a dog that way. So Laz started a bad habit of giving the cat food from his plate. So now Bandit will sit at Laz's feet or will come over to the couch if he is eating. Well the bond has grown from sharing food to now..maybe I will let you pet me or hold me..just when I am ready for you to do so! I still can't believe Laz likes this cat. That is a small miracle if I have ever seen one.

Monday, March 10, 2008

My long lost Thena ( Kathina )

This chicky and I have been the best of friends since the 3rd grade. She has always been there for me. She was in my wedding and always in my heart...I can't ever remember her saying anything bad to me or stabbing me in the back...and when you have know each other as long as we have...girls will be mean girls..but she was always so kind to me. She is one of those friends who you don't get to see to often because she lives in Evanville and works all the time. I had not seen her for a few years but she called me Saturday morning and wanted to come and visit either Saturday afternoon or Sunday after church. Well needless to say my whole family overslept and did not make it to church. So we had some coffee and it was time for showers. As soon as I got in the shower the phone rings and its Kathina and she is in my driveway. I could not get ready fast enough. I was so excited to see her. Man I ran down the hall and almost killed myself getting to her. We just hugged and hugged. Our families sat around talking and she and I were kinda in our own world just talking and catching up on life. Later we all went out to eat Mexican food and had a great time. We usually email each other and stuff but now she has my blog addy and she can keep up with what is going on with me. It was so wonderful to see her. You can tell when you have a friend for life because you can not see each other for years and just pick up where you left off like you never missed a beat. I am so blessed to have atleast three friends like that. Kim, Kathina, and Becky...whom we just found each other again 3 wks ago. Now we are having coffee together atleast once a week and talk almost everyday.
PS. I did not take the picture....and WE had no makeup on...sorry.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Our Sunday...good weather

Well we actually had nice weather Sunday. After my son woke me up..around 2pm..I work the night shift... We went outside and watched Samuel jump on the trampoline and the dog run around. Laz was putting a roof on the dog run so Roshza would not get wet during the upcoming hurricane. So I thought it would be a good time to get out the camera and shoot a little. You get out of practise if you don't keep your camera warm. Well I got to enjoy my son and dog fighting over the wagon....Yes...I wish I would have had my camera then. The dog has a problem with wheels. Samuel was pulling around his wagon and the dog went nuts and started biting the wheels and pulling the wagon down the hill. I laughed so hard..Samuel was screaming and having a fit. So then Samuel got his play-lawn mower and the dog went crazy again and pulled it away from him...Needless to say I had to put her back into the run. Its funny after I put Roshza in her run he could have cared less about the wagon or the lawn mower..just like two kids fighting over the same toys. I don't really want it but I don't want you to have it.

I just love this picture of my husband hammering. It kinda got me all emotional and stuff when I was doing my editing. I'm a lush I tell Ya!