Thursday, August 9, 2007

My Big Boy is now 4 years old

I took these pictures tonight of my sweet boy. He just turned 4 a few weeks ago. Where has the time gone. He will be starting preschool again soon. I can't believe how much he loves being there. He traded me out for Sister Ida and some fruit loops this week. I tried every dirty trick in the book to get him to come home with me. I love to snuggle with him when I have worked all night and he just wasn't going for it. So I guess in the long run it was good for me to go home and get some sleep but I missed him like crazy. Well I guess the separation from the constant of "Mom" is starting. Well all I know is next year when he starts Kindergarten I will need to be on a strong anti-anxiety pill and a very large fish bowl margarita. I don't see how mothers do it. Well everyone let me know what you think of the pictures. I hope this is good enough for the theme this week. "Fill the frame" right?


Tera Fraley said...

Great fill the frame shots!! Wow, such a big boy and a cutie too!!

Joanne Fowler said...

Sam, these are beautiful! Very dramatic lighting. I love that kid. Hug him for me!

Jess said...

He is BEAUTIFUL!!! I love that dramatic lighting!

My baby will be 3 in a few weeks... it's really hitting me hard so I know how you feel!

The worst was when my boys started kindergarten and I had to put their tiny little bodies on that school bus for the first time! I bawled ALL DAY LONG those days!