Saturday, December 29, 2007

The things that have kept me busy the past month

I have been really busy as far as my photography is concerned. I have had several shoots but just not the time to post them. Here are a few that I have done the past month. There are plenty more but as usual I don't have the time to post them. But I will get to it soon. I am feeling much more comfortable in my own (photography) skin. I was always comparing myself to other people and their work. But now I am getting comfortable with the way I see things and how I see things through my lens. It a given that I have a lot to learn and miles to go..but that is half the fun. Everyone is different and on different levels so I think that is what makes the art beautiful. What fun would it be if everyone was the same. Thank you for looking.

A Few Christmas Pics

Hey everyone. I have not been on my computer much so of course blogging has been out of the question. I have a few pictures from Christmas done and wanted to share them. We had a great holiday and now.....I am so glad it is over. I have already taken down the Christmas tree...usually a big no no until after New Years. Ohh well I just wanted my house back to normal. My hubby is so good to me...I got a Canon Speedlight for my Xti. Now I just have to find the time to learn how to use it. Well I hope everyone had a great Christmas. I will try to blog a bit more now that things are calming down. Thanks for looking. Bye

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Merry Christmas

I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I hope that everyone has a wonderful holiday. Things have been very busy for the past month so I have not been able to blog for awhile. I wanted to show everyone a few pictures of Samuel and the Christmas tree. He loves to sit by it and to look at all the decorations and the Christmas village. I am so excited about Christmas this year. I have had to cut back on a lot of the extras that I usually do but I feel really good about it. The only thing I am concerned about is spending the holidays at home with my family. We just can't wait to see our children open their presents on Christmas morning.