Monday, February 26, 2007


I know that every woman knows how this feels. LIKE CRAP!!! I hate to wake up and it hits me like a brick. You just want to wake up and enjoy your day....but everything and everyone gets on your last nerve, and its not there fault. I don't like to be this way but I guess I can't control everything. I was going to work today but something just told me (Don't Do It!!!). Now I know why. Well.. and my babysitters little boy is very sick so watching Sammy wouldn't be a good thing today. I just hope I can get some Midol , chocolate , and a good magazine and then get over it! Then maybe I can do some scrapping tonight. Please all my friends pray for my family they will need it for the next few days. AARRGGG.


Joanne Fowler said...

Sorry about your lousy day!!!! I have chocolate for you if its not too late!

Lindsey said...

I know the feeling!!!! Oh so sorry - you should be feeling better by now. Love ya!