Thursday, June 21, 2007
Samuel's First Trip to the River
This is Samuel's first trip to the river. Almost everyday we go over the BIG BLUE BRIDGE to Indiana so I can go to work or he can go to preschool. He always get excited to see the river and the boats from up high on the bridge. Every since he was able to say "river" he would stretch as far as he could to look over the car door down to the river below. So we took him down to were the boats ramp and my hubby walked him down to the dock and I think it was a little to much for him. I think he likes the few from the car seat and its a bit safer. Well the good thing is that I have found a great new place to take pictures. Maybe if we make it a habit of going down to the dock to take pictures more often he will get used to it.
Posted by Just Being Sam at Thursday, June 21, 2007 0 comments
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Flames of a Party
I took this picture while we where celebrating my friend graduating from nursing school. We had a bonfire and margaritas. It was such a great night and this weekend we are having another bonfire, but with the kids and minus the margaritas. I color boosted and did a midnight sepia action to it. Just to give it a different look. Can't wait to take more pictures this weekend.
Posted by Just Being Sam at Wednesday, June 13, 2007 9 comments
Monday, June 11, 2007
Letting Go...a little.
This had to be no doubt one of the hardest things in my life to get ready for. I have been dreading this since before he was born. You know.. the day you have to throw your child into this big bad world. Well I was trying to be excited for him. You know.."he will learn so much and meet more kids and be social." The stuff we tell ourselves to get through the agony of letting go. The first punch in the gut came when I was in my office, aka "scrap room" and this room was our nursery when our baby boy came home, so there I was writing my baby boys name on glue, scissors, crayons and a backpack. I looked around and started to ball like a crazy woman because I was in his nursery writing his name on things for preschool. How did I get from bringing my newborn home in my arms to this! It was unthinkable. Where did the time go? I HAVE BEEN ROBBED ! I was not ready for this in so shape or form. So the next morning everything started off really bad. He woke up in the worst mood ever. Did not want to pee, eat or be looked at. That was just the excuse I needed to talk myself out of doing this, but my hubby kept saying " It will be fine, just everybody get in the car." Then the boy decides he doesn't want to walk down the steps or go out the door and begins to cry. I started to freak and said " there is no reason that I should go through this", but I kept walking to the car. Finally we made it to the car and on the way we all talked about how fun school will be and all the things that he will get to do. He was so excited when he seen all the kids and mainly all the things to play with. As I watched my son get farther and farther away from me a lump in my throat and a pain in my heart began to hurt like nothing I have ever known. As in my pictures you can see that some of them are blurry..well I was shaking and trying not to look like a fool and I didn't want my son to see me cry. That would have ruined him in preschool for life. So I had to pull myself together until I could get out the door. So after 20 minutes of waiting for my son to get acquainted with his teacher we decided to leave. I gave my boy a kiss and told him to listen and to be good and we would be back in just a little bit. My husband had to keep pushing me and telling me to go. I swear my feet had cement blocks tied to them. I took about five steps out the door and I just took off and beat my hubby to the car. I just began to cry and told him not to say a word to me until I spoke first . Men just don't get how hard it is on us women to let go of our hearts and let them walk into preschool !!!!!!! I know he was just trying to be supportive and tell me it would be ok, but I did not want to hear that ten seconds after getting into the car. Well we went back into town and thought about getting some breakfast, but just went home and looked at each other and felt like our legs and arms were missing. Then we decided to wait until we picked up our boy and then go to lunch. We got back to the school and Ms. Jennifer said that he did great and no one would have ever known it was his first day. I was really happy until the next day when he screamed because I had to leave. I thought after a week of taking him to school that I had gotten over the crying..well I was wrong. The class began to walk up the hill to go to the library. He held on to his teachers hand and said " Bye Mommy". " I'll see you in a little bit." " Love you." and walked away. I was in the car and stopped at the stop sign and watched the class go across the street. Well why not just tear my heart out with a dull knife and throw it under the car!! Just about that time my hubby calls me and began telling me something .. i don't really recall what it was..because I WAS CRYING!!!! He said " what is wrong?" I told him what had just happened and this time he said "Oh...ok.. Is he ok?. Of course he is fine..I'm not! Well I think I have done well considering that I have sent my one and only child into a world I do not trust. I know that God is with the both of us and we will just have to leave it in his hands. That is the only thing that gives me comfort. One hurdle down and millions to go.
Posted by Just Being Sam at Monday, June 11, 2007 6 comments
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Just a Lazy Sunday
We love to spend lazy Sundays together. After church we grabbed some Taco Bell and went home. We sat up Samuel's 3 ring pool and put his slide in it. OHH MAN!!! This kid was in hog heaven. He played so much that he fell asleep at 7:30 pm and did not wake up until 8 am the next morning. My stepdaughter and her boyfriend came over and we sat on the porch talking and listening to music and watching Samuel slide into his pool. We have not had a day like this in a long time. It was great to enjoy some family time.
Posted by Just Being Sam at Tuesday, June 05, 2007 3 comments
Friday, June 1, 2007
Never In My Life Could I Live Without These Two.
I could not think of my life without my two boys. They are the reason that I get out of the bed on the days I just want to be lazy, or on a bad day...cry. My life can be crazy and I can have the days that never end, but in the end I have two people that love me more than anything in the world, and I am lucky to know this. In all the things in my life I love to do, photography, scrapbooking or just hanging out with my friends, my favorite is a day at home when we can just hang around and do nothing and enjoy it. I love them so much that my heart feels like it could explode. When I gave birth to Samuel I could not explain the love that I felt. "I love him so much that my heart does not have anymore room and its stretching and making it want to explode." I never knew love until I had my own family. Being a wife and a mother is the greatest joy I could ever have. God has truly blessed my life. How could I ever need anything else. He has given me everything I could ever need or want.
Posted by Just Being Sam at Friday, June 01, 2007 0 comments
New Spin on Pics I took A Year Ago
Posted by Just Being Sam at Friday, June 01, 2007 0 comments