Saturday, August 2, 2008

Sunshine and Fruit

My husband has a very green thumb and he loves to grow things in the backyard. So far we have a peach tree, and apple tree, Blackberry bush, and a grape vine....Oh and we have tomatoes growing...I wish we had hot Hungarian peppers this year....but for some reason he did not grown them. Being Hungarian and all I thought he would have planted them. They spice up everything....HOT! He can grow about anything...ME...not my thing. At home we had a garden growing up and we HAD to go and pick beans and do all that kind of stuff. I'm lucky these days just to keep my flowers from dying...they look a little rough right now. Well he is proud of what he has grown and we have been able to eat and enjoy some fruit. The squirrel ate all the peaches but three. So I have the dog on patrol for the little thieves...

Roszia (Hungarian for Rose) She is our puppy..big puppy and about 1 year old


pat said...


Becky said...

Nice sunflare and colors, and I'm always a sucker for a dog photo!

Farrah Jobling said...

LOVE the fruit shots! Very inspiring.

Anonymous said...

I was going to say it looks YUMMY

Angela2932 said...

Nice sunflares, but it's making me so hungry! You've got cool fruit in yhour garden; I'm impressed! I hope the thieves will share with you.

Jess said...

YUM! All that fruit looks awesome. I miss you girl!