Saturday, February 16, 2008

Winter Wonderland and a Car wreck

I'm a little late on the winter pictures. Things have been kinda nutty around here this week. Between the weather and crunching the front of my car I kinda was going nuts. Well I missed work on Tuesday night because it was still sleeting that I was not going to risk it again. Plus my hubby was not to happy with me going out and possibly getting stuck or hit. So I stayed home and felt guilty about who was going to have to work for me. I just hate that. But the last time I had called in and not gone to work I think was back in May when Samuel had surgery, about 9 months ago. So anyway Samuel wanted to go outside and make a snowman and when he seen me get out my camera he grabbed his too. Little did he know that it was nothing but ice, so no snowman. Well we both took some pictures and slid around. We did not stay out long because fear of breaking a bone or head trauma and well my fingers were freezing off. I went out back to see what I could shoot and all I managed to get was the powerlines and my dog. She was starting to get ice on her fur so it was time to come in and get warm. I really like to take pictures of the ice and snow but that is about it. I am so glad that it is melting now.


Jess said...

Great pics Sam! It's nice to see you posting again! This ice was CRAZY wasn't it? I'm glad it's almost all gone now. Too bad he Sammy didn't get to build his snowman! I've been waiting for a decent snow so me and the kids could do that too... what a strange winter we've had!

Val said...

Love the icy photos!!

Becky said...

That ice looks awfully familiar. We've gotten a lot of it too. Nice photos! And DS and your dog are both cute!

Anonymous said...

We have been having ice here and I am not used to freaks me out! At least you got to spend the day with your little one! Great shots. The one of your dog is awesome!

Ginnie said...

I really like that second picture, so sweet!

Check out all that ICE! brrrr, I'm cold just looking at it.

Kelly said...

Love the pics especially the ice shots... They are wonderful