Friday, June 27, 2008

Baby Joshua

This is JoAnn (JOeyAnn) and John's new little buddle of joy. He was born around 11:45am this morning. Jo is doing well and so is baby. He is a beautiful little boy. 8 pounds 1 ounce and 22 inch long. I went up today to take some pictures for her but daddy and big brother went home for a nap. So I will try to catch them tomorrow sometime. Jo was really tired when I went to see her so I only stayed a short while then I went to take a few shots of the baby.....I can't wait to hold him.

She was ready for food....


Jess said...

Awww! He is the most precious little thing! I can't wait to see and hold him! Jo looks AWESOME for just having had a baby too- I looked like death warmed over after mine! LOL!

pat said...

Look at all that hair!! What a doll. J looks great for just having delivered.

♥ Amy said...

Aw, he's a chubby little thing! Love it! I really like how you took that second photo with the focus on the flowers and JoAnn blurred a bit.

Lindsey said...

He is such a handsome little man!

Chell said...

Aww what a sweetie, love the hair. Glad mom and baby are doign well!!

Jess said...

Hey girl... I tagged you on my blog!