Saturday, February 2, 2008

My thoughts on turning 34 today

Today I turned 34 years old. Wow that happened fast. Its not as bad as I thought it would be. I remember thinking when I was 14 years old that the 30's were going to suck. Well to be honest I would rather be in my 30's anyday than be in my 20's again. THAT SUCKED!!! I have come to think that your 20's are nothing but a confusing ten years that haunt you for the rest of your life. Well most of the ten years. You really don't know know what I am talking about...the deep parts of your soul. I have realized that in your 30's you come to understand all the things about you that you could never figure out before. What you can deal with and what you can't. Who you can love and who you can't....and last but not least all the things that have made you who you are..good and can finally sort it all out and put it somewhere else other than in the hard parts of your heart that just weigh you down and nag at you when you need it the least. I have learned that you need to love what you have and hold on to it for dear life. You only get so much time on this earth to love and to be loved. So I will do my best to love harder, enjoy the moment more...and to smile alot.....aaannnddd try to keep my temper and hard headedness under control. That may take me until my 40's to get right.


HeyLady said...

I agree with you - my 30's were wonderful! I'm in my 50's now and I have to tell you that it just gets better in so many ways.

Happy Birthday!


~JustJulie~ said...

Happy Birthday! Great thoughts, too. I hated my 20's as well, but am loving the 30's.

Chell said...

Happy birthday. A nice reflection. I turn 34 this year and I am realizign to the 30's are not so sucky..

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you!!! Hope you had a great day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you and many many more. Nice shot. PS a little side note to let you know the 40's come faster than the 30's did. So enjoy

Becky said...

Happy Birthday! You celebrated with my favorite drink!

Amy said...

Happy, Happy Birthday! Those are fun shots for your special day!

Stacey said...

Happy birthday!! I can remember when I was 12 thinking that my Mom was SOO old because she was 32! I'm not far from 32 now and I see now that 32 is not very old at all!

Val said...

Fun shot. Cheers and happy birthday!

For Over 29 Years... said...

Love your sentiment on being in our 30's! Happy Birthday!!! Love what you treated yourself to also. Had one of those myself tonight.

April said...

Happy Birthday!! Those are some cool shots.

Kimberly said...

Happy Birthday!! I love the DOF on these shots!

Sharon said...

Happy Birthday!

Mom2Drew said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'll be 31 next month and's not that bad really.

Unknown said...

I think you said it perfectly! Happy Birthday!

--sme said...

Happy Birthday! Your post makes me *almost* look forward to turning 30 this summer! :)

Mandy said...

I think probably every age decade has its set backs. I certainly hope that in my thirties I learn to be more patient, mostly with my own self.

I really love these pictures. It marks a fun day for sure. yummmy!!! Now I am thirsty, thanks a lot!


Joanne Fowler said...

Happy Birthday, you stinker!