Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My Garden Gate

This is a shot of my gate in the backyard. I was outside playing with Samuel and noticed the flowers blooming. We have not worked on our backyard yet this spring so I decided to go ahead and take some shots before all the weeds and stuff are gone. I know our theme is water this week but I am fresh out of water shots, but I like how the pic turned out. Ohh and I used Jess acid wash. It rocks Jess!!!! Thanks Girl!!!

Monday, April 28, 2008

My new secret spot


This is my post for water and this is also my new secret picture taking spot. My hubby and I found it a month ago. Now I just can't wait until some funky weather comes and I catch it by the river with my camera. If this place went up for sale it would have to be mine. I ran a black and white action on this then ran the vintage and adjusted to my liking. Thanks for looking.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Little of this and a little of that!

Ok so I am behind....What else is new! Last week was kinda nuts and I did not get much sleep so I did not blog...but that does not mean that I did not take pictures like a fool. This blog has my kiddos and even me and the hubby in it. In this first shot Samuel was playing at the park and was sticking his head through the slide for me...he is getting to be a ham now. Then its our oldest Trent. I don't get many pics of him...busy man. I was cutting his hair and I gave him a Mohawk first ....took a pic then cut the rest off. I kinda like the Mohawk. Then I have Brandy and Joe at Easter dinner at my cousins house. We had a great Easter this year. On down the line....Next me an my hubby went out to eat with some friends Friday night and afterwards we all went bowling. My friend Mary took the picture of us. Laz acts like a goofball every time we take a pic. We had a great night...even got a babysitter. AAHHHHH life is good some days.

And just to check an see who of my buddies are paying attention...I just did my first maternity shoot Saturday. I will be posting some of them before too long. I am so excited. We had so much fun and I got to be myself and let my creativity fly. I just hope it flew in the right direction. So be looking for more very soon.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Our Middle Child

Brandy got herself a motorcycle this week. Yes I know how dangerous it is. Been there....Done that!! We really don't care for it..but what can we say. She is twenty now and we also have a motorcycle parked in the garage. She is so proud of this bike that she went out and bought herself a new pair of Harley boots for riding. She spent almost 100 bucks on them and that was getting a bargain. She is her fathers daughter after all. Today she came in the house and was mad because one of her college classes made the whole class go out to the lake on campus and it was all muddy..her new boots got dirty and she was about ready to have a heart attack. 15 min of scrubbing and a lot of Vaseline later they were looking good. Now she is just waiting for Dad to teach her how to ride. I guess you are only young once and you might as well live out your dreams before you have a hubby and rug rats....because then...well she will figure it out. It so different.

Friday, April 18, 2008

More Play with the Vintage action..I'm hooked!!!

The vintage action from Pioneer woman just fits my feeling for these shots. It feels like a memory in my mind...or even has a feel of an old know the kind that your grandparents have in a box somewhere. I love the emotion of the second shot. Samuel had fell on the pavement and hurt his hand, then went to get some love and sympathy from daddy...They gave me the look of "hey this is a personal moment" after I took the shot. I'M THE MOMMA and I have a big camera...don't make me use it!!! He! He!! I told my hubby nothing is sacred with our child..I gave birth to it...I can take as many pictures as I want of it!!! Makes me sound like I am at the zoo...and a nut to boot. Everyone have a great day.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Jess Big Give from her Big Heart

Today was Jess Big Give. Noni was truely speechless and moved. She could not lift her head for crying so hard. It was a great moment to see her dreams come true...and all because of one womans great big heart and many other people's great big hearts. Thank you to all the 2 Peas friends who donated and all the 2 Peas friends that wanted to donate but found out a little late. You are remarkable and giving people.

Jess, Noni, Janette

Jess, Sam, Noni, Joanne, Janette

A few shots from my 28-75mm

I just wanted to post a few shots of my flowers. I took these with my new 28-75mm lens. I think I took these about 15 min after I got the lens. I was so excited so I had to shot something. I really do think that this lens and I are going to get along great.

Friday, April 11, 2008

My Little one Helping

I took this shot a few months back. He wanted to wash the dishes...I think every mother dreads this moment...due to the mess. But I let him go to it. Yes he made a big big wet mess. He was so very cute doing so. He was so proud of himself and just kept on dumping water all over the floor. Well after awhile enough was enough and it was time to move on to something else. I used a new vintage action I downloaded tonight....I am in love with different. I am trying to branch out these days and get a little braver.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Basketball and Visiting Granny's new house

Today was cloudy but we thought we would get out before the rain came. We came to the park yesterday and when Samuel seen the basketball court for the smaller children he went crazy. So this morning he wanted to go and play basketball at the off we went. When we got there he was still too little to get the ball in the basket. I had to keep lifting him up. Then a few larger boys came over and he thought they were going to play with him and he acted like he was playing defense against them. He got all excited and then....they left. But he kept on playing by himself. He dribbled and dribbled until he was dribbled out! Then it was time to go to the play ground and go down the slide. Well that lasted for just awhile then it was time for some Mickey D's and go to see if Granny was at her new house. She was home and we stayed for just a little bit. I got a few pictures of her tree blooming and then it was time to go. My head started pounding like crazy..I don't know if it is the front coming through or what but Advil and Tylenol has not helped me at all. So anyway the day had been great other than this crazy headache.

Front of my moms new house. I had been taking pictures of the flowers and took this. I used and acid action on this. I just like it because its different than what I normally do.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

My Scariest Moment of Motherhood...Yet.

Saturday afternoon was warm enough to go outside and clean my car and Laz was going to clean up his motorcycle and Samuel of course wanted to play basketball and ride his big wheel. So I turned my car long ways across the drive way to keep Samuel out and away from the road. If he is riding his bike then he would have to hit my car before he got next to the road. My drivers side is next to the road and I was cleaning the crumbs out of my seat. I could hear Laz and Samuel talking and Samuel told him that he was going to play basketball. Well he has a small basketball goal and there is a full size goal in the drive way that he (tries) to use. I had just looked down from listening to them talk back and forth and the next thing I know I hear Laz screaming at Samuel. He had that sound in his voice that made my hair stand up and I automatically knew why he was screaming. As I looked around to my right side..I see my son running out in the street in front of a car. I dropped what was in my hands and ran after him. I did not know if the car was stopping or still going...and I did not care as long as my son was not in front of it. Samuel is so fast and he was in the grass across the street trying to shoot his ball in a basketball goal that was sitting in our neighbours yard. Needless to say I was so thankful that he was not laying in the road hurt or worse and all I wanted to do is hug him and love him but.........I could not do that. He had to know that what he did was wrong and never forget that it was wrong. So I marched him across the street...after we looked both ways. He was high stepping and his feet barely touched the pavement because I had him by the arm and I was walking so fast and trying not to lose my composure in front of the whole neighbourhood. We got in the house and needless to say he got in major, major, trouble. Then more yelling and explaining and then came the crying. Me telling him that he would get a boo boo that Mommy could not fix and then I started just getting so upset that I told him that Mommy and Daddy would not ever get to see him again if he got hurt really bad and mommy just could not live without him. It may have not been the right words to say to a 4 and half year old..but at that moment...what was the right words? All this happened within 5 minutes.....but it felt like a lifetime. And what does he say to me with tears in his eyes from the sore bottom???? "Mommy its ok Samuel's here." Thank God he was there. All I could do was march him upstairs and we sat on his bed and of course I was still crying and giving a lecture and telling him he could not go back outside. Then he hugged me and told me it was ok. I hugged him so hard and just thanked God that I could. Then told him he had to stay in his room.
As I walked out of his room I began to think about the day we had spent together previous to all the drama. Ohh my gosh...what a horrible mother I am. He had been in trouble most of the day for not listening and just flat out being a turd....and all I did was scold him. Oh my what if that trip across the street would have ended different? Would that be how.....Well I can't even finish that sentence. Now I am crying!! So today I woke up and decided that I did not want my son to remember me yelling at him or on his case for stupid stuff. I just need to remember to pick my battles better....and not let 2 weeks straight of us being together 24/7 make me a crazy person. God shook my tree yesterday and gave me a big wake up. I needed it in a big way. What would I ever do without my precious, beautiful, special boy? I just love him so very much. Ohh and for the more playing basketball out front. Backyard it is...until he is 20.

These are my natural light shots for today. We went out to the park and let him run out all his energy. Today was our art show and Samuel behaved so well and we were so proud of him so he even got ice cream today.