Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Our Middle Child

Brandy got herself a motorcycle this week. Yes I know how dangerous it is. Been there....Done that!! We really don't care for it..but what can we say. She is twenty now and we also have a motorcycle parked in the garage. She is so proud of this bike that she went out and bought herself a new pair of Harley boots for riding. She spent almost 100 bucks on them and that was getting a bargain. She is her fathers daughter after all. Today she came in the house and was mad because one of her college classes made the whole class go out to the lake on campus and it was all muddy..her new boots got dirty and she was about ready to have a heart attack. 15 min of scrubbing and a lot of Vaseline later they were looking good. Now she is just waiting for Dad to teach her how to ride. I guess you are only young once and you might as well live out your dreams before you have a hubby and rug rats....because then...well she will figure it out. It so different.


Unknown said...

Very cool pictures... I bet she will LOVE them!

Jen said...

WOW! Very dangerous, but very cool too! It's a delicate balance! LOL! Love the boot shot.. would love to see it in BW!

Becky said...

Perfect way to show that we don't get to stop worrying about our kids no matter how old they get!

Jess said...

What a rebel! That bike suits her for SURE! :) I had to LOL about the boots, my sister is the same way with her riding boots when they get dirty. She will spend all day cleaning them so they are "just right", it always cracks me up! :)

C said...

These are really cool shots. Yay dangerous, but cool. Glad she got her boots all cleaned up. That much $ and i'd be ticked too, LOL!

Mom2Drew said...

Oh wow...what a momentous moment for her! That's a cool looking bike, can't deny that.

Christiana said...

I Loved 3 & 4, oh, and the one with her hand with the ring on it. You can tell its a girl hand where you wouldn't expect it, and i LOVE that, lol. Cool shots!

For Over 29 Years... said...

Holy cow, YOU have a 20 year old. Would never have guessed that from your picture, you look so young. I'm glad you documented these for her. I'm sure it's scary but she obviously looks happy.

Noni Bell said...

Oh to be young again and free! It wouldn't be fun if it weren't "Living on the edge"! LOL...My idea of living on the edge any more is staying up til 1 am! ROFL!!! Help her enjoy it while she can (and pray like a crazy chick!)

Margaret said...

Cool shots. Glad she has a helmet! She looks very happy with her motorcycle!

Krista P said...

Scary! She'll be just fine though.

Really good pictures!

Joanne Fowler said...

ACK! - that is my mommy reaction! LOL

She's growing up, eh? She looks good on there! Good for her to take her independence by the horns!