Friday, April 11, 2008

My Little one Helping

I took this shot a few months back. He wanted to wash the dishes...I think every mother dreads this moment...due to the mess. But I let him go to it. Yes he made a big big wet mess. He was so very cute doing so. He was so proud of himself and just kept on dumping water all over the floor. Well after awhile enough was enough and it was time to move on to something else. I used a new vintage action I downloaded tonight....I am in love with different. I am trying to branch out these days and get a little braver.


Margaret said...

Such a great shot. Now you have proof to show him when he's older that he really did love to do the dishes at one time!

Jess said...

OMG Sam! I LOVE THIS! The vintage totally works, it looks so nostalgic! I love his pants... TOO cute. You are a braver woman than I, I would never let my kids wash the dishes- too much work for me to clean up their mess, lol!

Val said...

Cute shot. i dread my kids offering to help with the dishes. how about helping with taking the trash out, or cleaning your rooms?

Anonymous said...

love it!! the conversion is perfect!

pakosta said...

that's awesome!~! looks so old fashioned!!!
i always let my girls play in the water! they LOVED IT! and still do! now they just go in their bathroom and each fill up their own sink and bring toys in there to play.....he will remember stuff like this!
awesome job capturing it!tara

Kristen Wagner Penn said...

Oh I love that shot! I love how he's standing on a stool, love his bottoms, and the way you processed it is perfect!

Krista P said...

Aww. He's turning into such a little man!

Becky said...

The action works great! I'm anxiously awaiting her Elements versions. My kids always got to help with dishes at Grammie's house--it was one of their 'things' with her.

Suzy said...

OMG how sweet!!

mel said...

great shot, and I love the action on this!

Noni Bell said...

Sam! How flippin cute!!! LOVE IT!! He is SO sweet! My kids help me "sometimes" but i'ts more like I'm getting a bath than them cleaning the dishes! LOL!! SO AWESOME!

Sharon said...

Love those jammy bottoms.

Joanne Fowler said...

How sweet is this? And the action is perfect for it! Love it so much. It "feels" like a memory and I know it's one you want to cherish forever! I just love helping little boys... even if it means water, water everywhere! LOL

Great capture!