The past week has been very interesting for me where my child is concerned. I have had to depend on my faith and trust in God to deal with situations and making decisions for him this week. All moms understand the nagging, hurting, uneasy sick feeling in our stomachs that we get when we think something is wrong or just not right with our children. In my opinion that is the radar that God gave me when I had Samuel to help guide me in the right direction and make the right decisions for him. Well today I made the decision to take my son out of his school and send him to a new school. I don't really want to comment on the *why* part. It was like God was stomping on my head telling me to do it. So I did it. I cried alot just because Samuel had made some friends and changing his routine and environment is very hard for him and I did not want to have to put him through that. But I had to remember in the long run he will get the attention and the therapy he needs at this new school.
He will start Kindergarten in the Fall and will be going to this school anyway. So I guess he will just be starting a little earlier. I asked the special needs director what the cost was going to be for Pre-K so that we would be prepared and he told me it would cost us....get this...not one penny!!!! I just about dropped the phone and had to ask him to repeat himself. I could not believe it. Since when do you get something wonderful for nothing...uhhh...never! Samuel would also get physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and what ever other therapy he might also need and this is all included. All of this was presented to me a month ago but I did not see it working out because he would have no daycare at this new school and no daycare during this coming Summer. I work nights and I was not sure how I would ever get any sleep. Well again I am depending on my faith and that God will provide us with what we need. Me..needing sleep and Samuel needing a good education and therapy. So I took my leap of faith...I know that God has opened a door for us and even though change is hard for all of us we will make it. I am scared about working all night and coming home to a bright eyed and bushy tailed boy..but I have done it a many times before. We will get through the Summer and when school starts I will sleep when he is in school. Sounds like a plan to me.
My family and I have some possible big plans in our future...if everything works out...and if it's Gods will. I can't really elaborate about it right now, but I feel like a lot of things will get better for us.
I can say this..that we have been very blessed where Samuel and Autism is concerned. He has improved by leaps and bounds the past month. This may not seem like a big deal to some but here are the major accomplishments that he had done. See this penguin....that is the first thing he has ever colored in his life. Just one day all of a sudden its like a light switch came on and he could not stop coloring for days. My husband came home and told me "Well I have to tell you what happened at school today." I just cringed because it is usually something negative, and I was not in the mood for that. He began to tell me that Samuel started coloring today and that when he started he did not stop until the whole thing was colored. The other kids even went outside for a walk but Sammy did not want to go..he had to finish his penguin. I just started crying right there in the kitchen. I was so proud of him and that penguin. So when I got to school I look at it in the hall outside his classroom and of course the tears came again because for once my son had something to hang out in the hall for all to see. "Proud Mommy Moment" So now he is starting to cut with scissors, play (with) other a certain degree, and the biggie..he is talking in sentences, asking questions, and telling us what he wants. I think we are kicking Autism in the behind parts. Yes... we still have struggles and many a mountain to climb yet, but it is one victory at a time. We have been blessed with many victories the past month. During Easter dinner at my cousins house my whole family could see the change in Samuel. It made me feel so much better and validated that the work that Laz and I are doing with him is making a difference.
I have started to listen to my heart and trust in my faith again. The people in my life that do nothing but put me down or just toss me to the side when they think they have found something better have really hurt me the past few months. But God is healing my heart and giving me the courage and strength to put it past me and to move on *without my normal give-em H**l attitude. I have just retreated and figured I am better off. God has brought back to me what I did not know I was missing...People in my life that love me...for me...that know me and accept me for who I am...respect me as a keep me positive. I thought I had that before with a some...but I guess I did not. It was just dressed up to look that way...I fell for it.. and that is what broke my heart the most. So I am cleaning house with myself so to speak and getting my life back under control. It has not been an easy year and God has made me go through many an test and trial but in the end He has made me a stronger mother, wife, friend and woman and I am so thankful for it.
Its tough to make those decisions. Sometimes being a parent can me so agonizing. You know whats best, but you hold off thinking that perhaps you are jumping off the deep end too quick. I always find that my first gut reaction was right. You are a great mom for making those choices that have to be made! I am sure he will really shine in his new school.
Oh girl! *tears* I am SO glad things are working out for Sammy. I know this school will help him SO much- I mean, LOOK at that penguin! WOW! And how awesome that it is all taken care of financially. GOD IS GOOD! :)
You keep that "give 'em h*ll" attitude and keep advocating for your boy! You ROCK! :)
(will you be there tonight?)
Nice photos! YFS. Good for you for making the right decision for your child, even though it may have been hard
I am so excited for you and Sammy! I to know the struggles with everyday life a child with autism has and I can tell you sweetie this is only the begining. Life can be really hard to deal with sometimes but it makes the victories all the sweeter when they come. So congrats to you and Sammy for this new victory! Just know that you are human and you will fail at times. Don't be overly hard on yourself lean on those who understand and let them give you the strength you need to help you over the hump. I am here chick! If ever you need me, but you know that. Give my little buddy a big hug and lots of kisses for me! Let him know that Noni aka his "best friend" loves him lots!
Bless you for listening to that still small voice in your heart! This new school sounds like a wonderful enviroment for S, and if that is where he will be attending Kindergarten he won't have to make another adjustment in the fall.
Heavenly Father really blesses moms in particular with that extra sense of knowing what our children need, and it is just a matter of listening for his whisperings, and following them.
I have a friend who has a son with autism, and he is also doing some pants-kicking, after years of trials. Like you said, one day a switch was clicked on and things started falling in place and working for him.
I will keep you all in my prayers that your work situation with work out for all of you.
It WILL work out. It sounds like Samuel will be at a wonderful new school!
You go, momma! Parenting is never easy, especially with the extra challenges you have. Keep the faith!
What an awesome post. First awesome that you feel so wonderful and secure in your decision, as scary as that might be. Second that God has prevailed! He puts us through trials because He loves us and the reward is always greater then we can expect. I'm so thrilled for you that this school will be free. God will bring something for you this summer. You will get sleep. He knows exactly what we need. TFS>
Sweet photos and I appreciate your sharing your heart. I hope things will go well for you and Samuel with the new decisions you have made. And I'm so glad for your sake that you took that picture of the Penguin to cherish forever.
that is one beautiful penguin! i am so happy for you that you are starting to see the changes and development that you've been working towards. mom's always know whats best so don't second guess yourself. way to go, samuel!
Oh wow! Such heartfelt journaling. Your son sounds like an amazing young man, thank you for sharing a bit with us. I love his facial expressions and that penguin is terrific!!!
{{{big hugs}}} Awesome post! I'm rejoicing with you!!!! Sammy is a huge blessing to so many and in so many ways. But I think the biggest blessing is watching how he changes you. You grow stronger and are better for having him in your life. Just like God had planned all along. You're an awesome mommy and yes, HE will get you through these tough days ahead. HE has made a way all these years and HE will not stop!
Love you!!!!~jo
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